have been going over to WA sailboarding for the last 28 years. The following
is a synopsis of my sailing diary for a typical year many years ago. I have included this to
give an idea of typical conditions. Your mileage will vary. I am mainly a
wave sailor, and am reasonably heavy. Also, I generally sail a smallish
board, around 8' 6". This year I also took a slalom board, but didn't
get a lot of use from it. It wasn't the windiest year, however we sailed most
days. Certainly couldn't complain about the conditions.
In latter years the wind may have moderated slightly, but then again maybe not. It is very hard to make comparisons.
Certainly, it is possible to kitesurf 6 days out of 7 along much of the coast. An exception can occur if a cyclone forms up north, stopping the weather pattern further south. That being said, some cyclones cause lighter winds, some cause much stronger winds in the main wind/kite surfing areas.
Arrived in Perth, picked up car, arranged roof racks, did check flight at Amity Aviation. Unpacked Sailing gear from trip over. Didn't sail, even though it was windy, didn't have time.
Picked up Barry from Airport, loaded all the gear onto and into the car. Did some shopping for stuff we needed. Drove to Lancelin, arrived about 1pm. Wind was strange and on shore. Sailed 5.5m on wave board, not very good day. Stayed in Lancelin camping ground.
Went to Offshore Cafe for breakfast. Had hair cut, went to Lancelin Surfsports. Left Lancelin about 11am, Drove to Geraldton arrived at about 2.30. Went to Sun City, rented a park home for our stay. Sailed Sunset beach 5.5M on wave and F2. Barry sailed 6m on slalom. Good day despite light winds (15-18kn).
Light wind day. Visited the Aerodrome, Sailwest, Point Moore, met Rick from Sailwest. Sailed 6m on F2 from 1.30pm till 5pm at Sun City. Good Slalom sailing (if you like that sought of thing). Had dinner at Pizza Hut, $6.95 for all you can eat.
Another light day, but stronger than Thursday. Sailed 6m on F2 from 10.30 till 1, then wind picked up and sailed 5m on wave board till 6.30.
Drove to Northbridge, looking for Coronation. Eventually found Coronation Bay (road sign was missing). Too early for wind, drove back to Sun City. Sailed 5m on wave board, then 4.5. Very windy. Decided to take gear to Coronation.
Sailed 4.5m on wave board in 2-4m swell at Coronation Bay. Best sailing spot ever. Same concept as Lancelin, however wave area is larger, flat area is deeper, swell is better. Great jumping beach.
Had to leave Geraldton to go back south, despite wind, and the fact that Coronation is a bloody great spot. Drove from Gerro to Jurien Bay. Booked spot in camping ground. Sailed short board with 5.5m out to the Island and back. A bit down wind, 10 mins there, 60 mins back! Not a bad day, 15-20 knots. Had several red wines and went to pub for dinner.
Both B and I were VERY hung-over in the morning. Rang wives, parents etc. Drove to Cervantes at about lunch time, sailed 5.5m on wave and slalom board early, wind came up further and had a great sail. Our XMAS present:
Drove back to Jurien.
Left Jurien and drove to Lancelin. Unpacked stuff into unit. Wind cam up about 12. Sailed 5m on wave boards in excellent conditions. Not much swell, however got some good duck gybes and some jumps.
Very hot day. Wind came through at about 1.30pm. Went snorkeling with Werner on the reef early. Sailed 5m on wave board till 7.30pm Great day. Big gybing session, little swell.
Got up early. Drove to Perth to pick up Prue and Liz. Returned to Lancelin by 1pm. Offshore breeze would allow sailing of the 'Back Beach' however didn't sail. B and I bought new 5m Combat Wave sails from Lancelin Surfsports.
Easterly blew in the morning (offshore). Went shopping. P&L bought too much! Sea breeze came through about 12am. Rigged 5m on wave board. Sailed for several hours, put crease in new 5m sail!! Probably need Carbon 25 mast for sail. Had BBQ dinner, went to offshore for desert.
Easterly blew in morning, sea breeze came through at about 12.30pm Sailed 5m on wave board till 7pm. Little swell. B&L went to Perth for night. Went to Grahams (Offshore Cafe) for dinner.
Still no swell. Really bad year for swell. Strong offshore in the morning. Pomms came in to watch soccer. B&L came back from Perth. Ricky had a hair cut. Wind came in about 12.30pm. Sailed till 5.30pm. Wind dropped out - IT NEVER DOES THAT. sailed 5m on wave board. Had drinks with Kylie & Zac, went to Werner's (El Tropo) for dinner.
Hot day. Wind came through about 12.30pm, not so strong Sailed 6m on Slalom.
Very hot day. Strong offshore breeze in morning. Sailed off the back beach, a bit tricky getting back. Did flight plan for Monkey Mia trip.
Windy day, however flying to Monkey Mia today. Drove to Jandakot. Weather cloudy, didn't get reasonable cloud base till 11.30am First real clouds we have seen in WA in 6 years! Cloud lifted to 1800 ft. Departed Jandakot at 1200 ft, flew coastal to Geraldton dodging low cloud. Refuelled in Gerro (I am cautious), then departed for Shark Bay (Monkey Mia). Weather lifted, cloud only coastal. Great flight. Got to Denham, booked in to motel, had dinner at pub. Very windy at Denham, definitely sailable, only A/C didn't have room for 4 pax and boards!!!
Went and did the dolphin thing. Swam in inland lake. Saw sharks across the water, did the touristy things around the area. Windy!!
Did flight plan. Packed up and departed Shark Bay at about 9am Flew to Gerro via Kalbarri. Interesting spot. B&L will visit there next year by car. Refuelled in Gerro, returned to Jandakot, coastal. Did orbits over Coronation Bay, Geraldton, Lancelin and Perth City. Great flight. Even think Liz was getting used to small A/C flying. Got to Lancelin by 4pm. Sailed 5m until 8pm Tim came over for dinner.
Lighter wind day. Sailed 6m on Slalom. B sailed 6m on Mistral, P sailed 6m on F2, L sailed 5m on Mistral Tim came for BBQ. Not quite enough wind for 5.5 on wave board, close.
Hot in morning. Barry started sailing at 10.30, 6m on Slalom. Sailed 6m on F2, then 5.5m on wave board till 4pm. Sailed down to South Passage, caught some good waves. Prue sailed 6m on F2. Ricky trashed sail at South Passage.
Went to Offshore for breakfast. Sea breeze cam in by 9.00am, an increased during the day. Sailed 5.5 m on wave board, Barry sailed 5m on wave board. Wind dropped out in the evening. Quite a good day.
Prue went to Perth to visit Margot & Karinga. Sea breeze came in about 10am. Went to Offshore for breakfast, did washing. Sailed 5.5m & 5m on wave board. Great day.
Sailed 4.5m in good surf, great jumps, flat water area a bit shallow. Got some good jumps and some great waves.
Another great sailing day, unfortunately our last for the season. Sailed 4.5m on wave board. Cleaned unit. Drove down to Perth at about 7pm. Flew home on the 'Red Eye'. Thursday
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