An exciting innovation is the advent of This business provides high quality photos of the sailing and kiting action, mainly at Lancelin. The business is run by Pedro, an accomplished photographer and sailboarder.
In Lancelin the shots are taken in the flat area and in front of the reef out the back. They are taken both from a boat and in the water. Outdoorshots take pictures of any and all sailors that flash past for a period of time after the wind comes up. The shots can be previewed on the web ( or at the Offshore Cafe after 6pm. Pedro will keep a folder of shots for you on his computer, and will burn them on to CD for you at any time.
The shots viewable on the web are stored at low resolution. The shots that Pedro sells are high resolution print beautifully up to A4 size.
The pictures are quite superb, and this is an excellent way of getting action shots that have been so difficult to get previously.
A selection of top shots can be found at this link and daily shots can be found at this link.
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