Point Moore provides good reef breaks for surf sailing and good flat water sailing and kiting.
Personally, I believe that Coronation is the best sailing spot in Geraldton. Sunset Beach is quite good, especially when the swell comes through, and is handy if staying at Sun City.
Point Moore is a well known spot, that boasts great wave riding in the right conditions. It consists of a flat area (center of the picture, with reef breaks to the left and right, out to sea. Point Moore can be found by its Light House, which is visible from that land and from the air, from quite some distance.
Point Moore is ideal for wave, bump and jump and slalom Sailing. The point is the windy-est location, since it is situated 4 km out to sea, and thus gets better uninterrupted wind.
The area consists of a bay, flanked by two points.
The wave action is on the two points mentioned above. As a wave location, it is really meant for the advanced wave sailor. You need to know where to sail, where the reef is, and be able to wave sail reasonably well to stay out of trouble.
The bay is perfect in the morning for beginners, with the late morning and afternoon providing the right conditions for the intermediate and advanced sailors.
Point Moore also is a great spot for kiting. The beach is wide and generally uncrowded. There is ample setup area, and safe launching. The bay inside the two points provides a great relatively flat area for kiting. This is my preferred kiting beach in Geraldton.
The grass area behind the beach is also great for packing gear away, and there is a good parking area.
Ideal Slalom and Bump and Jump sailing for beginners to advanced sailors. St. Georges Beach has a grassed rigging area and shower and toilet facilities.
Sunset Beach is a beach break to the north of the Geraldton city centre. It is directly next to the Sun City Caravan Park, Sunset beach is great when there is swell, with both jumping and wave riding, however it does not seem to hold swell well. Probably Point Moore would provide better swell a lot of the time. It would be well to ask Rik from Sail West.
Coronation Beach is arguably one of the best Sailing spots in Australia (at least for wave action). It is a very good jumping location, also providing some good wave riding as well. Coronation Beach is about 25km North of Geraldton.
Coronation beach is also a good kiting area. The kiting area is north of the sailing area, down wind of the sailboarding area. This provides good seperation of kiters and sailboarders. Kiters can go down wind and sail miles of beach and reef breaks and then sail back up wind to the lauch spot at the end of the day.
The Coronation Beach turnoff is 14km north along the North West from from the corner of Chapman road (by the Gull Service Station (picture). The road is dirt and corrugated often doesn't have a road sign, but when it does it looks like this picture (without Barry). The beach is 8km along this road. It is a made road almost all the way now. It used to be quite rough.
It is legal now to camp at Coronation Bay. I believe that numbers may be limited however.
Coronation is controlled by an on site ranger who is there almost full time over the xmas period. This is great, especially for medical emergencies and unexpected occurrences.
There are toilet facilities at Coronation now. Not spectacular, but do the job. Remember to take some toilet paper, it is unlikely that there will be any there.
The main sailboarding area is directly offshore from the car park. The main kiting area is north of the carpark. It is obvious one you get there.
This photo shows some sailing action
at Coronation Bay.
This photo shows some more sailing action.
This photo shows the beach from the distance, as
you drive down the road towards Mecca.
The mpeg below was provided by Peter (stoklas@swipnet.se). His original mpeg page has some great shots of sailboarding and skiing. Well worth a look. There is a great video of a loop as well. Beware that the mpegs are quite large (4 mb) and may take some time to load. This mpeg shows some of the wave action at Coronation Bay.
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