he Lancelin sailing beach offers both flat water
sailing and wave sailing (swell permitting).
Lancelin sailing is mainly done in the bay, which is bordered by a reef out to sea. This reef provides some
excellent wave sailing off shore, and some exceptional flat water sailing in-shore.
The main wave sailing area is called 'Main Break' It can be crowded, though not to the same extent as most of Maui etc. As well as Main Break, there are several wave sailing spots such as 'Hole in the Wall' and 'South Passage'.
The flat water sailing is mainly done in-shore of Main Break. The area is quite exceptional, but a little dependent on the depth of water, which is mainly dependent on the tide and phase of the moon.
Here is a picture of the main sailing area.
In the foreground is the flat area, out to sea is main break.
The flat area in Lancelin has been getting shallower over the years, as sand and sea weed builds up in the bay. Some of the bay is now too shallow for sailboarding now. This has provided some excellent kite surfing areas. One advantage of this is that kiting can be done in the areas too shallow for sailboards. This can provide excellent separation between the two activities. There is a growing realisation that the two activities need separation.
Sailors can also sail on the back beach, or throughout the main Lancelin bay (wind and reef permitting).
This picture shows the rigging area on the lawn beside the beach.
This picture
shows a panoramic view of the Lancelin Bay.
The Lancelin beach has changed somewhat over the years. The bay has become quite shallow, and the beach has eroded.
This picture shows the beach on a typical day in the early 90's.
This picture
shows a sailor duck gybing in the shallow area around that era also.
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