he Lancelin Ocean Classic is an annual sailboard race from Ledge Point (13km
South of Lancelin) to Lancelin. It is usually held in mid January.
Recently this event has also incorporated a kiting event, a stand up paddling event and a surf ski / kayak event.
Associated with this race, there is also a wave sailing competition, which is usually run on the two days before the ocean classic.
Also now, there is a kite wave event, mainly for strapped and unstrapped directional boards.
In the past the ocean classic has attracted big names, such as Byron Marsh, Jessica Crisp and Anders Bringdal. Anders has won the Ocean Classic many times, and the slalom races are fought between some of the worlds best.
The Ocean Classic is quite a race, having a long downwind leg. It is highly contested, and it is quite an achievement to finish the race, let alone do well at it.
The marathon event finishes near the Tavern, the wave event is done just offshore (and to the south a little) from the tavern, and the slalom is done in front of the Tavern. The Tavern also hosts the post race social party, a major Lancelin social event.
The Ocean Classic web page has detailed information about the clasic. It is well worth visiting. Also the classic weekend is great.
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