A favourite place for the international visitor to stay in Lancelin is Lancelin Lodge. The lodge provides up-market backpacker style of accommodation. The rooms are nice, and private and shared accommodation is available. There are shared bathroom and cooking and relaxation facilities.
It is very well situated for the sailor being about 200m from the main sailing beach. They provide trollies for use to carry gear to and from the beach as well as a fleet of bikes for pedaling around the place.
Lancelin Lodge has a great atmosphere, and has people of many nationalities staying at any given time. Also they tend to get lots or repeat business, which indicates that the guests really enjoy staying there.
The Lancelin Lodge Web Site gives complete details of the lodge. Just check it out.
In 2001 Lancelin Lodge won Best Backpackers in WA, and was rated second best backpackers in Australia. This award was decided by backpacker votes. When you experience Lancelin Lodge, you will know why.
They go to a lot of trouble to provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and it works well. There are also some communal activities such as night time movies (and daytime if the wind drops out), as well as the occasional BBQ (picture 1) (picture 2)
Here is a picture album of the lodge.
Country Values have listings of many houses for rent throughout Lancelin. Their web page provides details (including pictures) of a large number or properties of varying price around the town. This is your one stop shop for accommodation in Lancelin. They have a number of great places on their books, including some of the places (but not all) mentioned below.
The Windsurfer Chalets are a group of units in Hopkins St., right next to the main sailing beach. These are superb accommodation for the Sailor, mainly due to their location. We have stayed there every year for the last fifteen years, and will stay there for several years to come (hopefully).
For those who new the units of old, they were rebuilt in 2002 and are now
much more luxurious. They have been well fitted out and look magnificent.
That being said, I have been told that the house is falling into disrepair somewhat but the units still look good. I am also told that contacting the owners/agents can be difficult.
The Lancelin Beach resort is at the North end of the main street. It is a fair distance down from the main sailing beach (about 1.5km), but is right on a beach that is becoming a preferred kiting beach.
The beach resort has an in-ground swimming pool, a large number of rooms, a restaurant and bar and wonderful views of the water. Also the nightly rates look quite good.
The beach is also quite a good fishing beach and has Lancelin Island just across the water (easy kiting distance).
Here is a link to their web page which shows the facility in good detail.
Wave house is a great place to stay in Lancelin. It is right on the beach, close to shops, the pub, is architecturally interesting (pic) and is just north of the main sailing beach overlooking the main sailing beach (pic).
The house is split into an upstairs and downstairs apartment. The downstairs is usually available for rent and consists of a luxury studio room with ensuite as well as 2 bedrooms a kitchen and a lounge. The upstairs is only occasionally available for rental and is fully self contained. Both areas have ocean views". Here is an album showing the house and views. Contact details are here.
The Swiss Chalet (picture) is a lovely two storied unit off the main street in Lancelin. It is owned by Stefan and Tess, two friendly locals. This picture shows the downstairs area comprising Kitchen, shower, lounge, dining area etc. This picture shows the upstairs bedroom. It is a very comfortable, well well presented unit. The chalet provides very nice accommodation for a great price. Tess and Stefan can be contacted by phone or fax for prices and availability.
There are 2 caravan parks in Lancelin. The one closest to the the main sailing beach, is the Southern Caravan park.
This caravan park is very close to the main sailing beach. In fact it is excellently situated for the sail-boarder. The tone of the park is changing massively. The amenities have been revamped and the whole park getting much better. If you want to camp, and it boasts a superb location for the sail-boarder and kite-surfer.
The park does not seem to have a web page. Contact details are here.
The Northern park is smaller, and is about 1.5 km from the main sailing beach and quite near the Lancelin Inn. It has been going to close for quite some time, but still seems to be operating.
Contact Details are here.
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