n this document, there are several contact details listed. A lot
carry phone numbers. Sometimes they look like
+61 8 9965 1234
The +61 is the international code for Australia. The 8 is the area code. If dialing from within Australia, 08 is dialed. If from outside Australia, only the 8 is dialed. The last 8 digits are the actual phone number.
Sometimes phone numbers are written
(08) 9965 1234
This form is the internal form for Australia. If dialing internationally the number is transformed to
+61 8 9965 1234
as described previously.
Australian White Pages
(phone directory) and
Yellow Pages
phone directory) are available on line. These are excellent resources for
identifying and resources in the area. You should remember to set the
state to WA, since the directories cover the whole of Australia.
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